The inspo-on-demand Content Roundup (for when life feels kinda sucky)


If you're in need of some encouragement + inspiration + general mood lifting, I've curated a special edition of the Content Roundup for you.

It's got a selection of my fave content pieces + resources that I turn to whenever I'm feeling under the weather or I'm completely worn out + uninspired. I hope you find it helpful!

Female entrepreneur with curly hair reading on the couch with sunflowers

If you're in need of some encouragement + inspiration + general mood lifting, I've curated a special edition Content Roundup for you.

It's got a selection of my fave content pieces + resources that I turn to whenever I'm feeling under the weather or I'm completely worn out + uninspired.

Pin or bookmark this post + come back to it whenever the world gets crazy. Or you feel uninspired. Or you just can’t be bothered making or doing anything.

I hope you enjoy!

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— Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert is the first book I turn to (99.95% of the time) whenever I'm feeling creatively uninspired or like my work doesn't matter. The audio book is also a great option!

— Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen always gets an honourable mention. I’ve read this 500+ times and it always re-reminds me about the power of finding inspiration in fiction. Because creativity doesn't require magic - sometimes it just needs a good dose of Austen or the latest light-hearted murder mystery. (That’s totally a thing by the way. Try A Little Murder.)

— The always funny Megan Batoon riffs about what to do when you've lost inspiration in this video.

Everyone who looks like they’ve got it all together is trying to figure it out.
— Megan Batoon

— This episode of MarieTV with Seth Godin is always worth mentioning. "Our goal isn’t to touch everyone, our goal is to touch someone. To change someone, just one person. If you get good at that, do 5. Then do 100. But stop worrying about everyone. Everyone doesn’t matter.”

— Alex Franzen asks the question: Are you hiding in the cart? Oh boy. Did this one hit me hard. So good. Worth reading at least 25 times.

— Alex also has this amazing new list of 15 tiny projects to try when you're feeling stressed.

Complete a tiny project. Lift your own mood while uplifting others, too. Your efforts matter so much.
— Alex Franzen

— Melissa Cassera shares the secret to being ok with failure.

— If you're feeling like a hot mess and looking to get your life together, just search for Michelle's (Muchelleb on YouTube) Life Admin Days and productivity videos. So good!

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